World Mission Society Church of God & Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother - The Feast of Tabernacles, Prophecy and Its Fulfillment

In the Bible, "wood" represents people (Jer. 5:14), and the "materials for the temple" represent the holy saints (Rev. 3:12). In the desert, the Israelites abundantly gathered materials for the holy tabernacle for a week and completed it. Afterwards, during the Feast of Tabernacles, they constructed booths?houses of woven grass and trees?and joyfully dwelt within them for seven days. This history is a prophecy, the fulfillment of which is seen through the gospel work, accomplished by the gathering of the 144,000 saints?represented by the "wood" and by the "materials for the temple." We should work for the movement announcing Jesus' coming, laying its foundation by gathering the saints, the materials for the temple. The saints can be gathered through preaching the gospel, just as the Israelites had gathered the physical materials for making the tabernacle.

to be continued....


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